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Antibes is enjoying a warm, sunny afternoon. The courtyard of Bastion Saint-Jaume is filled with champagne, cigars, and Rolling Stones cover songs of questionable quality. We are at the beginning of the 2018 longines replica watches Classic Yacht Challenge. Eilean, the beloved yacht of the brand, is in attendance. I'm sitting on the upper floor of the fort and chatting with longines replica watches’s new ambassador, freediver Guillaume Nery.

Nery does not talk about diving as someone who has been doing it for 20 years. He talks with the exuberant enthusiasm of someone whose passion for the sport has reached its peak, even though he's only been diving 16 years.Omega Replica Watches He is the exact opposite of the graceful, elegant figure he cuts on the ocean: excitable and animated. It's difficult to imagine this charismatic 36-year old doing anything else. Nery says, "I was afraid of living a normal life." "I was scared of what my future would be like and the jobs I could have in the world. I did not want to work nine to five and take a few week's vacation a year. I was terrified of that kind of life. "When I began freediving, everything I wanted was right there."

Nery and a team of journalists on the land

Nery started freediving when he was 14, prompted, amusingly by his defeat in a contest of breath holding with a friend. "I was pissed! "I got pissed off!" I thought. "I knew it was special, but didn't know how to use it. One day, I was watching a documentary on Umberto Pellizzari, a legendary freediver in the 90s who broke records by holding his breathe. I was like, "OK."

Born to Dive

Nery thrives off challenges. He became the youngest world record holder at 20 years old and has broken many records since then, including three more world records. It's not just the thrill of the competition that drives Nery - diving is something more than a sport for him, it's almost transcendental.Cartier Roadster Replica "The first rule of freediving, is to enjoy this other world. The sea is all by itself... and the strong connection with nature can change the way you feel and interact with the world. The underwater world is a magical place to explore. You can see dolphins, whales and fish. Everything is beautiful. "And it's right there."